Every seller wants to increase their day to day sales. Your Amazon Seller Feedback is part and parcel of what attracts online traffic to your Amazon listings and converts them into sales. What you’re aiming for is a rating above 98%. Believe it or not, but with ratings below this you’re likely losing up to 20% of your daily order potential. You want to increase your positive seller feedback and minimize neutral and negative feedback as much as possible.

Different Ways to Increase Your Amazon Seller Feedback

Before we start, let’s take note of one very important thing first: it’s a strike against your Amazon Seller’s Account Health  to explicitly ask for positive feedback from your customers. Asking for positive feedback risks getting your Seller rights revoked and/or your account being banned. Don’t do it. That being said, there are a lot of ways to increase your Amazon Seller Feedback without compromising your Account Health.

Get Expert Help

You don’t need to stress yourself out trying to get on top of the Amazon Seller Feedback game when you can just as easily outsource the stress. Seller Maven has over 10 years of expertise in Amazon Feedback Management. You’ll get more feedback and reviews, while we’ll make sure to stay on top of the ins and outs of Amazon Seller Support and we’ll dispute your neutral and negative feedback. We’ll do the heavy lifting and you’ll get all the benefits from it.

Use Your “Request a Review” Feature

There are a lot of do-it-yourself options that you can take advantage of to bring your feedback score up. First up is the Request a Review button inside Seller Central. When pressed, this button will shoot off a message to buyers asking them to leave a feedback and a product review. It can only be used once per order, and only between 5 – 30 days of the delivery date. The Request a Review button is an awesome addition to a seller’s toolbox but it doesn’t scale all that well. When you ship thousands of orders each month, a little bit of automation is needed.

Automate Review Requests

If you’re serious about good customer service and confident about your shipping team’s performance then you should confidently request feedback in bulk. Several authorized third-party tools offer TOS-compliant features that take the pain out of the Request a Review button. These could save you from having to manually click the “Request a Review” button for each and every order. FeedbackWhiz is a great suite of tools, and as the name suggests, their original offering was all about soliciting and managing feedback. If you don’t already use them, both Helium10 and JungleScout offer automation tools for asking reviews. In fact, many popular Amazon Seller Tools software come with built-in automation for the Request a Review button so before you go looking for another subscription, check the tools you’re already using. If you’re one of our clients, or just a savvy seller, then you probably use FeedbackFive. We like F5 better than any other option out there because in addition to automating it lets you filter out refunded orders, customers that initiated a return, customers that contacted your CS team, a particular ASIN, and more. This makes sure that customers likely to have had a poor experience are never solicited, thereby reducing the odds of getting negative feedback.

Keep in mind that using an automated request comes with an inherent risk. Most solutions work in bulk and solicit from every single order in your account so they increase the odds of getting neutral and negative feedback (unless you use F5 – then you can weed out orders where the buyer had a less than perfect shopping experience). An automated feedback request should be used with discretion or after a thorough review of potential logistical pain points and customer service processes. Shameless pitch incoming: You can schedule a call with the Seller Maven team and we’ll be happy to conduct a comprehensive review of your process to help you minimize the risk of getting a less than stellar rating.

Proactively Ask for Feedback

Don’t just sit on your desk expecting feedback to come in without any prompting. Ask for it! There are several means of asking your buying customers for feedback:

  • Request a Review
    • As mentioned above, USE THIS TOOL
    • Whether you automate or push the button manually, this is a must-use tool for all sellers
  •  Email
    • NOTE: Use this method sparingly on ASINs you know have a high chance of earning you positive feedback and do so with care because communications go through Amazon
    • An email to buyers after delivery with relevant follow up information can be welcomed by the buyer. Make sure the information is relevant though, just sending a “Thanks for buying” email is a violation of Amazon terms.
    • Send the email a day or two after timely product delivery confirmation and include the link for the feedback request in the body of the email.
  • Buyer-Seller Messages
    • All customer communications go through here.
    • Before sending the next reply to a customer, ask your CS agent to consider if inside the message they’re sending they’ve successfully helped the customer resolve their issue and if they feel that the customer will be left with an overall positive feeling towards your company.
    • When the answer to both questions above is “Yes”, have your CS agent include a link in their message to leave you feedback.
    • Track feedback left back to your CS messages that include the feedback link and review the results with your CS team to gradually improve the number of positive feedback they earn.
  • Product Inserts
    • Attractive and colorful product inserts can advertise your brand, but they should also ask for feedback.
    • Add a QR code or a shortened URL that the customer can use to easily leave you feedback.
  • Handwritten requests
    • A personalized note may not be scalable, but it delivers a very high rate of return.
    • Thanking buyers personally for their patronage and asking them to help other people find your product is a great way to get positive feedback.
    • This option is so rarely used but when you show vulnerability it triggers an innate need in people to help.
  • Social Media & Email Blasts
    • Confident in your team? Prominently display links to your Amazon Seller page on your social media channels.
    • Proactively remind your audience to leave feedback whenever you reach out on social media or through email blasts.
    • Respond to comments on your posts and always request feedback on your replies.
    • If you host a community page, actively solicit feedback when people mention buying your products.
    • Promptly reply to DMs, PMs, chats, and ask for their feedback at the end of every conversation that you feel ended in a positive experience for the customer.

Many of the sellers we speak to are gung-ho about their customer service and shipping teams, taking pains to tell us how much time and effort they put into building efficient processes and put in place staff that actually cares. What always surprises us is how few of them make these brags to customers. It’s awesome to see a passionate Amazon Seller but why only brag about it to other Amazon Sellers or service providers? Go out there and tell the buyers! Ask them to give you feedback. You have a great team and a great process – it’s time they helped you earn a great feedback score and more sales.

Do you want a pain-free way to manage your Amazon Seller Feedback? Schedule a call with the Seller Maven experts today.

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