Correlation Between Delayed Shipments and Low Seller Feedback There is a direct correlation between delayed shipments and low seller feedback, and addressing logistical issues is key to maintaining a net positive feedback score. We have discussed in a previous article how reviews and feedback influence your sales, and now we’ll show you how issues with logistics generate negative feedback from customers. Shipping and Delivery in the Eyes of the Consumer […]
What is Amazon feedback and what is a non-positive Amazon feedback? An Amazon feedback is one of the metrics by which sellers on the site are evaluated, both by the buying public and by Amazon itself. A feedback is given to the seller, not the product. A non-positive feedback includes the negative (1 or 2 star rating) and the neutral ones (3 star rating). Neutral feedback detracts from the total […]
Every seller wants to increase their day to day sales. Your Amazon Seller Feedback is part and parcel of what attracts online traffic to your Amazon listings and converts them into sales. What you’re aiming for is a rating above 98%. Believe it or not, but with ratings below this you’re likely losing up to 20% of your daily order potential. You want to increase your positive seller feedback and […]
An increasing number of consumers are turning to the Internet for goods and services, and that figure has risen exponentially during the pandemic. Consumer behavior has changed in that people start the buying process by looking up the product, but they don’t purchase without first confirming reviews. The same is true when consumers choose which online sellers to purchase from. As an online seller, you can increase your Amazon sales […]
Why It’s Important To Stay On Top of Your Seller Feedback More often than not, buyers and sellers alike tend to misconstrue the meaning of seller feedback and underestimate its importance. Some buyers confuse it with product reviews, and even sellers who understand it don’t often have a good grasp of how it works and how it can affect their ratings on Amazon. It is important to understand the difference […]